Medical Topics

Emergency Airway Management Techniques Airway Obstructions -Choking Emergency airway management for choking focuses on helping individuals use their natural reflexes

Videos Related to Tube Feedings Procedure for Nasogastric Insertion Produced by TulaneSimCenterTulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation and Team TrainingPublished

Parental Nutrition (TPN) Some medical conditions prevent the body from absorbing nutrition through the GI tract. When that happens, the

Managing Oral Secretions Many medical conditions produce thick secretions that are difficult for weak individuals to clear out of their

Tracheostomy Care at Home The normal pathway to receive air into the lungs and expel carbon dioxide is into the

Breathing Therapy When someone is struggling to breathe, the diagnosis’s name may help the doctor determine the course of treatment,

Abnormal Breath Sounds Noisy Breathing Normal breathing is quiet. When breathing is noisy, it’s considered abnormal breath sounds and often

Using Proper Body Mechanics Knowing and using proper body mechanics helps you avoid hurting yourself. Without them, one wrong move

Immobility – It’s a Big Deal for Lots of Reasons The human body works best when it’s in motion. In

How to Prevent Spreading Infections by Touching (Contact) an Object Directly or Indirectly Many infections spread through direct contact (touching

Preventing Skin Breakdown If your family member is immobile, they are at risk of developing skin breakdown. Learn the warning

Recognizing Skin Breakdown When Something Doesn’t Look Right, What Does It Mean? When the Skin Changes Color, What happens? When

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