
Vital Signs

Vital Signs Each time you call a doctor to report a concern about your family member’s health, expect a question about their blood pressure, breathing, or temperature. Vital signs tell the doctor much about what’s happening inside the patient’s body, where the eyes can’t see. The five primary vital signs combined paint a picture of […]

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Mental and Physical Effects of Caregiving

Mental and Physical Effects of Caregiving Research by organizations such as the Centers for Medical Services (CMS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), and the American Association of Retired People (AARP) shows the significant and long-term impact of caregiving. Based on their research, caregivers who provide continuous care for long periods

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Accessibility to Public Areas Outdoors People with physical limitations have difficulty accessing and using public areas effectively or with the same level of enjoyment or success that non-disabled individuals can. Posted signs declaring a facility or public grounds “Wheelchair Accessible” often misrepresent the truth. Unfortunately, after arriving on-site, they often discover “Wheelchair Accessible” pathways too

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Children with disabilities qualify for Medicaid quicker than adults because they usually do not have income or assets that limit direct access.

Applying for Medicaid

 Virginia’s Medicaid Structure Features Cardinal Care When most individuals think about needing financial assistance for medical needs, I believe they associate Medicare with the elderly and Medicaid with children and individuals with limited or no income. Both provide medical insurance coverage, but Medicaid helps with other needs besides medical costs. Previously within the Medicaid framework

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