Stories – Learning

Did you know that delirium is a symptom of a urinary tract infection? Neither did I, but I am learning
One of the most important practices I have is checking my husband’s skin regularly for any signs of skin breakdown.
Did you know what to do, where to go, and what the medical terms being used even meant? Did you
My husband, Lynn, began taking Ocrevus® (ocrelizumab), to treat his primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) in March. As his caregiver, one
The mysteries of MS always keep it interesting as I struggle to manage my husband’s medical care and assist him
Communication is a tricky process. When I make a statement, not only am I projecting what I think I intend
I try to stay optimistic about the future, but occasionally, an event reminds me of how tenuous life can be.
Prepare to become a caregiver. In 2015, research conducted by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) found that 43.5
Have you noticed how difficult it can be to have a sensitive conversation with another person without being misunderstood? Why
Have you heard of Typhoid Mary? Mary Mallon or Mary Brown (she used both names) worked as a cook and

What’s to Come One of the joys of having a progressive disease is that everything changes. Just as you adjust

Someone recently asked me if I had ever written about how we adapted to Lynn’s loss of function in his

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