Medical Topics

Types of Ostomies When many people hear “ostomy,” they immediately think of colostomy. However, there are many types of ostomies,

Learning How to Do a Health Assessment When I worked as a home health nurse and received a new patient

Did I Mean What I Said or Say What I Meant? When two people have a conversation, both come with

Mixing Insulins Read the order to determine the total insulin you will have when the two are combined. Roll

Hands are a Lethal Weapon Taking the time to wash your hands is the #1 defensive action to prevent infection.

Sometimes Sterile Technique is Preferred Using a clean technique works for most procedures you perform at home. However, specific jobs

Moving Joints Through Their Full Range-of-Motion What are range-of-motion exercises? Just what they say. Moving each joint in every direction

Video Demonstrations of Medication Administration Techniques –YouTube Video Resources Knowing how to give medications correctly is essential knowledge for every

How is a Medication Dosage Determined? The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) determines the dosing of medication needed to treat a

What Is a Medication When the doctor asks you what medication you take, he needs a complete list. To help

Changing an Ostomy Appliance Steps To Follow to Change an Appliance Wash hands, put on gloves, gather equipment and supplies,

Three Ways to Perform Surgery The most common type of feeding tube is the gastrostomy (G) tube. A surgeon places

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