Stories from My Past

I recently published a blog (June 26, 2014) entitled “A Short Trip Back Home.” In that blog, I discussed the

After years of caregiving, I believe I know Lynn’s body and his emotional and physical needs as well or better

When Lynn and I were dating, I knew that his father had only lived to be in his forties and

One of Lynn’s regular responses when someone asks how he is doing is, “I’ve been worse.” This conveys to the

The light was flashing on my answering machine when I came home from going into work to meet my “one

Whether right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, most of us tend to “take in” the view others have of us.

When you run into someone at the store or wherever what seems to be the first thing out of their

My paid job, which supports Lynn and me, is as a Human Resources Director over Employee Relations. As part of

The type of employment you have when you become an adult makes all the difference in how you live your

For the most part, Lynn and I are homebodies. He just doesn’t handle traveling very well, so we rarely leave

When I became a full-time caregiver, I knew I was taking on full responsibility for skin care, elimination, nutrition, hygiene,

Sometimes, I am jealous of Lynn. Isn’t that sick? How could any able-bodied individual who is healthy, independent, productive, able

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