Life’s Journey

Before I start this blog, I want to write a disclaimer: I’m very tired and having difficulty this week, so

We had a great fortune this year to rent a beach house for our summer vacation that included a handicap-accessible

Of all the caregiving responsibilities I do daily, the one I think is most important is inspecting and caring for

Always be Prepared. That was the Scout motto when I was a kid, and I’ve taken it to heart for

With much excitement but a little trepidation, Lynn and I returned to church last Sunday.  We had not been able

Occasionally, I get an email from someone who is a new caregiver asking for advice on how to adjust to

People have different ways of relieving stress and frustration, and as Lynn’s condition progressed from independence to total dependency, I

I recently published a blog (June 26, 2014) entitled “A Short Trip Back Home.” In that blog, I discussed the

After years of caregiving, I believe I know Lynn’s body and his emotional and physical needs as well or better

When Lynn and I were dating, I knew that his father had only lived to be in his forties and

One of Lynn’s regular responses when someone asks how he is doing is, “I’ve been worse.” This conveys to the

The light was flashing on my answering machine when I came home from going into work to meet my “one

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