
Caregivers frequently face financial hardship due to paying for supplies and medications not covered by insurance and for missing or leaving the workforce to provide care for their family member.

Caregivers Face Financial Hardships

Caregivers Face Financial Hardships According to the AARP “Caregiving in the U.S. 2020” report, one in five caregivers experiences a significant amount of financial hardship. While all caregivers face financial hardships, the effect is worse for some than others. The survey found the following trends from the data collected. Caring for adults aged 18-49 costs […]

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Suicidal Thoughts

Why Someone has Suicidal Thoughts Most people start having suicidal thoughts when they are desperate to escape suffering that has become unbearable. The individual who chooses suicide as their only option feels self-loathing, hopelessness, and isolation. The unfortunate truth is that they can’t see any other way out of their situation other than to take

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As a caregiver, it is often hard to know how to handle difficult situations such as depression in a loved one.

Feelings of Depression

Handling Feelings of Depression   Having feelings of depression affects millions of people. Both the caregiver and the care receiver suffer from depression in many situations.  Attempting to care for someone who feels depressed while feeling that way is particularly difficult.  If this describes your life, I encourage you to seek help from a qualified professional rather

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Sundowning  Sundowning Confusion Starts in the Early Afternoon Sundowning comes by its name because it’s a behavior seen in many dementia patients around the time the sun goes down each day in the late afternoon or evening. In most cases, symptoms are less pronounced earlier in the day. However, as the day progresses toward nighttime,

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What Factors Influence Emotional Acceptance?

Factors Influencing Emotional Acceptance   What are the many factors that influence the emotional acceptance of a caregiver to their new role? Among those influences is whatever caused them to become a caregiver in the first place. Emotions have a powerful influence on how an individual perceives their environment and their circumstances. They shape a

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Care Agreements

Care Agreements Are a Good Idea Ensuring everyone expects the same outcomes is a good idea whenever you ask someone to work for you. Assuming everyone interprets comments the same can lead to big misunderstandings. Therefore, writing up a care agreement is a good idea if you hire someone to care for a family member,

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Healthcare to homecare provides information and resources to help new and experienced caregivers take on the role of healthcare provider at home.

Now That You’re out of Quarantine, Don’t forget those Left behind

Daily, the news carries reports of another state entering Phase One of returning to normal following the massive shutdown of the country to protect the vulnerable population from the Coronavirus. At this point, I think most, if not all, states have reopened markets that are not high-risk.

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