
Learning How to Do a Health Assessment When I worked as a home health nurse and received a new patient

Monitoring Vital Signs and Understanding the Respiratory Rate The purpose of the respiratory system is to bring in fresh oxygen

Monitoring Vital Signs and Understanding the Pulse One of the blood’s primary functions is to carry oxygen to all body

Monitoring Vital Signs and Understanding Core Body Temperature Most people consider the average body temperature to be 98.6oF (37oC). Normal,

Monitoring Your Vital Signs and Understanding Your Blood Pressure Your blood pressure has two numbers: Systolic blood pressure (top

Monitoring Your Metabolism Metabolism is how we convert food into energy and use that energy to make the body function

CBC – Complete Blood Count A Complete Blood Count (CBC) is one of the most common tests ordered. The test’s

The Importance of Understanding Lab Values Why is understanding lab values an important skill for a caregiver? After all, the

Vital Signs Each time you call a doctor to report a concern about your family member’s health, expect a question

Abnormal Breath Sounds Noisy Breathing Normal breathing is quiet. When breathing is noisy, it’s considered abnormal breath sounds and often

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