
Caregivers can be victims of abuse, too.

Abusive Relationships

Caregivers Can be Victims, Too   Many caregivers support elderly parents suffering from dementia or illnesses affecting their personalities. As a result, the conflict between the parent and “child,” now caregiver, may become intense. Though news articles describe elderly abuse and domestic violence associated with in-home care, few publications mention that caregivers often become victims

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Government’s Plan for Staffing Crisis

Government’s Plan for Staffing Crisis Focuses on Families Filling the Gap The 2018 United States Census Bureau report shows that as soon as 2035, older adults will outnumber children in the US.  With the population aging, the demand for healthcare services increases significantly when the healthcare industry faces potential critical staffing shortages. Outpatient procedures occur

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When the need for caregiving becomes a reality, take time to look over all your financial needs and the possible resources available to help with medical expenses because caregiving is expensive.

The Impact of Caregiving on Financial Health

What is the Impact of Caregiving on the Caregiver’s Financial Health?   1:5 family caregivers report experiencing a significant financial strain. 41% report no strain. 21-19% report little to moderate strain. 12-7% report significant or severe strain. Caregivers, aged 18-49, experience a greater degree of financial strain per age group (maybe due to limited savings

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Caregivers frequently face financial hardship due to paying for supplies and medications not covered by insurance and for missing or leaving the workforce to provide care for their family member.

Caregivers Face Financial Hardships

Caregivers Face Financial Hardships According to the AARP “Caregiving in the U.S. 2020” report, one in five caregivers experiences a significant amount of financial hardship. While all caregivers face financial hardships, the effect is worse for some than others. The survey found the following trends from the data collected. Caring for adults aged 18-49 costs

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